"tell me what you want!" Steve immediately talked about dividing their assets, or that was what Helen thought!
"I don't want anything. You keep everything. Just leave me with my children!
She said with no fear of him. She knew this time the divorce was for real!
"Are you joking? My children!? You're dreaming! No way!!"
It took them six months to settle. Meanwhile, Helen moved out of the house and rented a small, one bedroom apartment. Steve's girlfriend, Nancy had already moved in the house!
They at last agreed that Elizabeth and Christopher would stay at the house with their father because of their school; however, They could see their mother and spend time with her anytime Helen wanted. Helen thought this was a better arrangement, so the children's lives would not change dramatically and they could go to the same privet school. Besides Helen Liked Nancy, Steve's girlfriend. She was very good With the children; and the children liked her, too! It was down to the middle joint custody.
Helen refused to get half of the house or any of their belongings. She refused alimony which by Texas Law, she was eligible for it. Steve was shocked by Helen's generosity. He was also amazed that how she would make a living without any job or help from him! Nevertheless, she found a job very quickly; it was not the teaching that was her dream career, but it was the assistant or secretarial position to this well- known designer. She still had plenty money left in her little, black bag; but she was finally able to work. Helen just wanted to get out, to leave, to be free, lastly!
Caterina, was agreed to stay with Helen until she would be school age; then she would live with her father in the house, so she could go to the same privet school that her older siblings had gone! During the day, that she worked, Nancy baby sat Caterina.
Helen's lawyer told her that she was crazy that did not want any financial assistance or half of their belongings, since she had a right to them as the community property!
"What is the matter with you? I've never seen any woman like you! Most of the time women take their husbands to the cleaners in divorces. You're so strange!"
Helen laughed at her lawyer and said lastly:
"But I do want one thing! It is a long story!"
She told her lawyer about her first born, the son she had had with Jacob!
"What I want is to know who were the people who adopted him and how I can find him! I know Steve has all the information. They all locked in his safe!"
Steve, at last, agreed to share the adoption information with her. Elizabeth and Chris stayed in the house. Their lives did not change; their school did not change. They had seen the fights between their parents. Now, they saw their mother everyday; but they lived with their dad and his new wife, Nancy!
Helen went every morning to the house to drop Caterina, and to take Elizabeth and Chris to school. Nancy picked them up every afternoon; since Helen was still at work. When she got off work, she went to the house and picked up all her children. She spent the evening with them. They normally had dinner with their mom. She made sure that they did their home works. Then she took them to the house. Steve still had the same schedule. The little Caterina was now two years old.
Now Helen had the information that she had desperately wanted for the last twenty years! She knew where her first born lived, who his parents were. Would she use those information? She was not sure! She had searched for her first born, the son of Jacob, all these years; now that she knew where he was, she was not sure what to do with it!!
To Be Continued
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