Helen waited till Thursday morning. It was late February, a pleasant, sunny morning. The night before, after she had put the children in bed and they had finally retired in their bedroom; like old days, she was pleasing to him. She tried not to push him to anger and cause him to show the rage he lately was showing, more than before!
In the morning, after breakfast, she took the children to the neighbor's house to play with their children. She used that opportunity of being alone with Steve to talk to him about her plan. She brought two cups of coffee and an ashtray on the patio table which faced the pool. It was still cold, but not bone chilling. Sun was shinning and for the time being, it shined on them where they were sitting. She wrapped herself in a shawl and sat on a chair, started a cigarette. Steve also took one from the package on the table and lit it up. He had his feet on the table, seemed very relaxed. She looked like being at ease, but trembled inside. Her hand that was holding the cigarette was shaking.
"Are you cold? Let's go inside!" He suggested.
"No, I like it out here."
They smoked in silence for a few moments. The opportunity was escaping her. Finally she gleaned all the vigor she could gather and without going through any lecture about her being alone and lonely or her desire to work, said:
"Steve, Elizabeth is going to school late August. In our neighborhood group many volunteered to take care of Chris. I am going back to work! I can't stand it anymore to stay at home all the time. I'll only teach two or three courses, only a few hours a day. Just wanted you to know!"
Steve listened without interrupting her. After she stopped talking, he stayed silent for a few second that seemed like eternity to her. Finally he opened his mouth and so much rage came out of it that she thought everyone in the neighborhood could hear him!
"How dare you to make a decision like this without even discussing it with me? What is the matter with you? You've turned my children against me; and now you want to leave them in thew hand of a whore like yourself and go to work?!"
Helen cut him off. Her face turned purple. She did not care what he would do to her.
"I'm sick and tired of you bossing me around. I am your wife not your slave! Can't you for once be logical and don't call names?"
"Stop, just stop! You can't go to work and that is that! No more discussion about it!"
"But I am!" Helen said, her lungs were heaving, her breath was laboured. "You can't stop me this time! I didn't go to college, as hard as it was for me, to stay home because that is how you like it. When you met me, I was working. You didn't have any problem with it then!"
"Helen stop, just stop before I do something that we both regret!"
"No," She was now barely able to speak, yet continued:
"No, I'm not stopping. I am going to work weather you like it or not. The children will be okay!"
To Be Continued
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