One weekend, to be exact, Saturday morning, on a cool April morning, so nice, yet windy, just a month before her first son's twenty fifth birthday, Helen got dressed early in the morning. She wore a beautiful green dress, that it was one of her
boss's design and he had given it to her for her last birthday. The dress was the color of Spring, long sleeve, almost form fitted, the length of it just in the middle of her knee! She wore a multicolor scarf which its main color was green, around her neck; then she picked up a black leather shoes with very low hill and a black designer small purse. One things that she always spent good money on was her bags. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was still a beautiful woman. There were some streaks of gray hair amongst her blond hair, but they were barely noticeable. Her figure still turned heads. She did not want to be too dressed up, yet she did not want wear jeans and a shirt, her normal outfit for weekends! She thought that she had succeeded to look nice, yet modest. She wore her hair in a pony tail and then twisted it to a bun. She wore very little make up, almost unnoticeable! She looked at herself in the long mirror of her bathroom once more, and at last left the her apartment.
She drove her car, a new model BMW, that she had used the money from the little black bag, to buy it. There was very little money left there. But it did not worry her at all. Now she had a career, and she could live a normal life without depending on that blood money, like normal people!
Anonymously, before buying her car, she had put an envelope in the male box of poor Marks' house one late night, with $100,000 on it. No note or any hand written thing anywhere in the envelop except the money. On the envelop, she typed in, "Please don't search for the sender of this money! This is for Mark's family! It's nothing compare to him losing his life!"
She drove to Highland Park area. The memory of the days that she had lived with Roger in that area rushed back to her as an unwanted flood. In fact she passed Roger's house, the torture chamber that she had lived in at such a young age between sixteen and eighteen. She had not been in these area since the day that she opened the safe and ran. Memories of Mark rushed back to her like a nightmare. If the poor man had not helped her, she had never been able to escape from the paws of Roger. Perhaps he had used her, made her to do drugs, perhaps she had come with some disease! " Oh, poor Mark, you lost your life to save mine!" Tears gathered in her eyes. She almost wanted to stop, but she continued driving.
The house she was looking for, was not very far from this doomed one! "Am I paying for my miserable life because of Mark?" She questioned herself! This house that she was searching for was the house that her first born was raised. It was in the richest area of Dallas. It looked a beautiful house from outside. This was the house of the man and woman, who had adopted his first born, the son she had with Jacob. "How I've been able to hide this from Steve and even Jacob?" She murmured. " Did I have any right not to tell Jacob that he had a son with me?" She thought to herself.
She parked her car in the street, not exactly in front of the house but a little further down the street. She hesitated in the car for awhile! Should she or should she not? But when she thought of her son, whom she did not know anything about him, not even his name, she was not sure if what she was doing was the right thing! " Knock knock, I am your son's mother! I am here after almost twenty five years to destroy your life!" She thought to herself. "Does he know that he is adopted?"
She did not know anything about him; how he was raised, how he was educated, how nurturing his adopted parents were to him, how ...? She started her car to o back home; but again she thought hard and deep:
"If I don't do it now, I never will!!"
To Be Continued
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