Caterina was a sweet little girl. She was a happy child; never fussed like the other two when they had been her age. She was happy to see one or both parents! She had learned at such young age not to take
sides, and to love both mommy and daddy the same. At the time of the divorce, one thing both Steve and Helen agreed to, which was not written anywhere in their divorce decree, was to do everything they could possibly do for the well- being and comfort of the children! This oral harmony was only for the good of the children. They promised each other never in front of the children they say something unpleasant about the other; and would stay friends for the sake of the them; even though Elizabeth and Chris were not children anymore, yet they were still at home and leaving with their father and Nancy. Helen Still had the key to the house. She could go there anytime she wanted; but she never used or abused this privilege. They were a lot better friends than husbands and wife, so strange but true! A few times a week Helen even had dinner at the house.
It took Helen a while to find the secretarial job for the famous Dallas designer. Helen was almost three yeas old when it happened. Steve always wondered how could she live without any income, but anytime he offered help, she refused. When Helen began working, and Nancy volunteered to baby sat Cterina, Steve was again went through one of his temper tantrums.
"Am I not giving you enough child support? Why do you have to work, and drag my child every morning here and there?"
This happened in front of Nancy. Strangely, Nancy took Helen's side.
"You didn't let her work all these years. Leave her alone now. I said I take care of Caterina!"
"What if one day you had to go somewhere, or you have something to do? Then what?" Steve flared up to his new wife.
"So what! People always use daycare for their children! There is nothing wrong to take Caterina to day care once in a while! It is good for her." Nancy deliberately put some emphasis on the word GOOD.
Helen these days had more trips to the bank and to her little, black bag. Besides Steve paid Child support only for Caterina, since Elizabeth and Chris stayed at the house, and they both had passed age eighteen. Steve's spiteful tantrum did not work this time. The two women, one former wife, and the other new wife, told him that he was an old fashion man, who thought he was still in military and these two women were working beneath him!
Helen had refused any financial help, or even half of their community property that lawfully was hers. She had refused to receive any alimony. Time had come for her to work; she wanted to work. For the last twenty four years Steve had prevented her from working, had run her life, had watched her as if she was a child! Now, she was at last free. She tried first different colleges for a teaching position; but things had changed since last she had taught. People she knew, they were all gone, retired, or else! She was older. She had not worked for so many years. According to one of the places that she applied, she was not a desirable person to be employed. They told her that she had no experience. She faced a brick wall everywhere she applied. Lastly she decided to try different kind of jobs. The first ad in the newspaper caught her attention. It was a secretarial position in this fashion industry corporation.
They responded to her call at once; invite her for an interview, and asked her to bring her resume and references. She did not have much of a resume; but she did have the education, and she still had her good look!!
To Be Continued
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