Then it came a period that besides the headaches, Helen began having very heavy periods; sometimes two or three times in a month. Pain was unbearable. She was even concerned that she might have some from of cancer!
Lastly she went to to see her gynecologist. But before this she heard a news that shocked her, yet made her happy to her innermost core! Steve told her finally that he would agree for a divorce. But the children should stay at the house since they went to privet schools. She knew that Steve, as horrible as he had been to her, was a good father, and would not let the children suffer because of divorce.
As she drove to the doctor's office, she thought that she would not ask for any financial help from Steve because of the divorce. Just letting her go after all these years was the greatest thing he was doing for her. She still had plenty money left in her little black bag; how much, she did not know. She told herself: "I'll get a job, anything at last, doesn't matter what! Oh, God, at last!"
She was now forty three years old. Her best guess for her heavy bleeding was that perhaps she was going through menopause. But the doctor told her otherwise:
"Your bleeding is for the IUD you have. It's been there for many years. We need to remove it."
She suddenly remembered that how she had another doctor to insert an IUD in her after the birth of Chris without telling Steve. At the time she did not want to be cheated by Steve and get pregnant again. But still she had heard women her age go through female climacteric. She brought the subject to doctor's attention.
"There is a possibility; but we won't know until we see how you do now that I removed the IUD. If you still are irregular, then in a few months I'll do a hormone test on you and we go from there!"
The heavy bleeding stopped. She had one normal period. The divorce process was going almost smoothly! She was happy at last. She was at last gaining her freedom back from all these men in her life who had used her in different ways but none in a good way!
She went to the doctor both for follow up and for not getting period for the last two months now. So her guess of going through change of life most likely was correct. After examining her, the doctor told her the shocking news:
"You're pregnant!!!"
To Be Continued
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