Suddenly Steve picked up his cup of coffee that he had not drunk it yet and threw to her head. If she had not moved her head by her strong reflex, it would most likely hit her on the head. She stood up. The coffee was splashed all over her clothes. The cup was broken in pieces on the patio's ground. She walked inside into the kitchen; then returned with a broom and a dustpan to sweep the mass he had made. As she was doing the cleaning, her tears flew down her cheeks. When she raised her face, her beautiful grayish blue eyes glistened with tears. she walked back inside and went to the kitchen to dump the broken cup into the trashcan. Steve followed her inside. Right by the trashcan, he held her from back and began kissing her.
"I'm so sorry sweet heart. We have talked about this many times. You knew my answer is no! Why do you keep bringing it up?"
Helen released herself from his embrace and as she was leaving the kitchen, she said:
"This union is wring, was wrong from the beginning! I want a divorce. I am very serious. You can have the house and everything in it! I leave with my children!"
Steve walked behind her and all of the sudden got hold of her beautiful, long hair. He pulled it until she fell on the floor. Then he stood above her like a mountain of rage. Anger blazed in his eyes. His lungs heaved heavily! He put one of his feet on her chest, its tip touching her throat. She felt miserable and oppressed. She thought the end of her was there with the hand of this man.
"No divorce, no work! That is that! No more discussion about it. I fight you to the end of world for my children. I tell everyone about your infidelity while I was in Vietnam, and even having a child. I have the documents to prove it. Everybody will know that you're a whore, nothing more... Is that why you want to go to work to find your old boyfriend or find a new one to satisfy your dirty, black desire, you ...?"
Helen was crying hard. He finally removed his foot from her chest and left!!
To Be Continued
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