How could it be? How was it possible? "Oh, God, not now!" Why didn't she think of something when the doctor removed the IUD? On the other hand, she never thought, that at her age, she could get pregnant!
The pregnancy delayed the divorce. Steve refused to go ahead with the it since she was pregnant. In fact it brought him much closer to her for the first time after over twenty years of marriage!.
For Helen, it was a nightmare, it was the worse news. At her age, right at the time that Steve had at last agreed to a divorce, this should happen! How many women her age would get pregnant? She had never heard of one! The doctor said there were many. The feeling of despondency that had seemed dead in her since Steve had agreed to a divorce, revived itself more and more; sprang out and took possession of her heart. She figured by the time the baby was born, she would be forty four years old.
The doctor called it, "high risk pregnancy". Even though It was against her religious belief, she told the doctor:
"Is it high risk for which of us, for me or the baby?"
The doctor looked at her with amazement and after a few seconds of thinking said:
"For both!"
Helen immediately said: "Then it does call for an abortion!"
Steve was with her. He looked at her with the strangest gaze ever; so did the doctor! But it was the doctor, who said:
"I don't believe that you said that! It happens all the time. Any pregnancy at your age, or even younger, like in thirties, is called high risk! It doesn't mean you should have an abortion!"
Steve looked at the doctor with thankful eye; specially when she said that there are new tests could be done to make sure the baby was okay and had no def act!
The high risk pregnancy was one of Helen's easiest one. The only thing that was a little out of extraordinary and happened at the end, was the baby, a girl, was born twenty days earlier than due date; not even called to keep the baby in the hospital. They named her Cathrine. She was born on September twelve, 1986, one month short of Helen's forty fourth birthday.
Caterina was a beautiful girl, a little small built; but even as a baby, which was always hard to know, since babies would change a lot she looked like Helen. Everybody said that she was the mirror image of Helen. It was love at first sight for both Helen and Steve, and even Elizabeth and Chris!!
When Caterina was one year old, Helen stopped nursing her. Then she brought up the subject of divorce to Steve:
"We just have to do it. I've been asking for a divorce since the beginning of our marriage. I had no idea that I was going to get pregnant Again!"
Steve was barely home. He still had the same schedule. On his three to four days off , he spent most of his time with this new, now openly girlfriend, Nancy; a woman twenty years younger than him! He did not hide it from Helen, or lied about it. She knew up to the last detail about Nancy. She had even been to the house a few times!
Now in fact he was happy to hear that Helen brought up the subject of divorce. But he was not a type of man that go through a simple and friendly divorce. Everything in this union had been unfriendly and traumatic!!
To Be Continued
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