He held both her hands; then brought them to his lips and kissed them. He looked deep and long into her eyes.
"I am here to pick up my daughter, Cynthia. She's in prekindergarten!"
"How strange! I am here to pick up my daughter, too. She's also in prekindergarten!"
They both laughed. What an extraneous and small world that they should both have a daughter at same the age, going to the same privet school, since the public school didn't have prekindergarten!
"I've never seen you in a carpool line?" Helen asked.
"Because Melisa does that everyday. But our son, Drew is sick today and missed school. Melisa has taken him to the doctor!"
Again, how the strangest things could bring the two people, so much in love with each other, together.
"I guess it was inevitable that one day we would see each other again!" She said with a long sigh, as if she was unhappy of this accidental seeing of each other.
"I guess so!" Jacob said automatically.
"Our children are going to look for us! You better get out and go pick up your daughter. Why did you say her name was? Oh, Cynthia, is that right?"
"Yes, Cynthia was Melisa's mother's name. I guess after what her parents have done for us and specially for me, they deserve to have their grandchildren named after them! She's a year and half younger than Drew. But Melisa's mother passed on a few years back!" Jacob said these naturally, as if it should had been that way.
" I read about the mother!" she said. "Do you have more children?" She could not help her curiosity.
"No, just Drew and Cynthia. How about you?"
"Yes, I have a son, Christopher. We call him Chris. He's a year and half now. Elizabeth is four and half."
"Oh, Helen, I must, I have to see you again! You can't run away from me this time. I was watching you! You were crying. Why were you crying?"
Helen hesitated for a while and finally said as tears again flowing down her face:
"I'm so miserable. I'm so unhappy!"
Jacob wiped her tears again and kissed her forehead.
"Why do you want me? You have family. You respect your father- in - law. You named your children after them. Why, I want to know why you said what you said?"
Jacob moved back on his seat. He was not sure how to answer her. He could not lie to her. She was too smart for that and would see through him. Finally he said:
"I'm not miserable like you are; but I'm not happy either. I have a good life, but I don't love Melisa like a man should love his wife. I love her but like a friend or sister. She is a very good person." He stopped for a second and then continued:
"We talk about these things later. Let me have your phone number. I must, must see you..."
He wrote her number in the back of one of her business card and put it on his shirt pocket. Then he gave her of his card and closed the car door and left!!!
To Be Continued
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