... , but she did not have to. Soundlessly she moved back to bed without going to bathroom. Roger came back to the room. Her
back was to him. She could hear that he was getting dressed. Then she heard that he left. He did his dressing up and all the others in the dark. She had seen that he had taken a gun and some money out of the safe. She had seen the combination of the safe. It was her birthday, 10/ 18/ 42. It was 10 right, 18 left, and 42 right again. How easy and how difficult!
The same day, only a month before her eighteen birthday, Helen used that combination to fill up her small, black bag that she had used to run away from Chicago with the money she could not count, some jewelry and her birth certificate, her school documents that Roger had taken away from her. Her act of opening the mirror which was actually a door, opening the safe, taking the money and jewelry, and stuffing her little black bag with them was all captured in all the cameras and videos of the house which had a central location and Mark was the person who was in charge of watching the activity of everybody at home in that room. But at this point she was miles and miles away.
Opening the mirror was hard. It took her a while to figure out how it worked. It was actually a latch in one of the drawers, where she kept her under garments. She touched it accidentally, when she was packing her underwear. She was planning to run that day with or without money. She was about to give up to open the mirror when it opened almost by itself. For a second she thought that she was caught; but then she sighed of relief of her good luck that day. No body showed up, nothing happened. Opening the safe was very easy if only her tremor would stop. What she did not know, was that Mark in the control room was watching everything she was doing.
She heard a foot step. It was Mark, the guard, the good, kind, big Mark, Roger's guard, her only friend. He was a man about her father's age with wife and children. Helen knew that he perhaps had seen everything. He stopped inside the bedroom door. Helen was standing next to bed, stuffing her little, black bag with what ever she could. Mark stood there without moving a muscle. They looked at each other. He put his index finger at his lips and then turned around and went down the stairs. Helen Zipped her bag; and followed him down the steps. He was already in the yard, feeding the three, wild and dangerous dogs, when she opened the heavy gate of the house. She turned around and looked at Mark. He moved his hand in a way to tell her: "Just go, don't hesitate!"
She just walked out of the home casually while her heart heaving. She could not believe that Mark helped her to go while endangered his own life...
To Be Continued
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