Helen walked and walked. She needed to get as far as she could from Roger's house. She had no plan; she did not know what her next step should be! It all had happened so quick. She did not know anybody, except the people in Roger's establishment; but she never knew their real name or identity. She was still in Highland Park. Suddenly she saw a yellow color taxi. She did not know what to call that, pure luck or coincidence! It would be almost impossible to find a taxi in the streets of Dallas unless you called for one. She jumped in front of the taxi. The driver brought the car to a sudden halt; if he did not, He would have run her over. She begged him to give her a ride:
"I am going home. I am off duty, lady!"
"Please, please, I give you as much as you want!"
The driver, a man perhaps from some Middle Eastern countries, about fifty years old looked with a curious gaze at this young, beautiful American woman, who was wearing a knitted sweater in the hot September morning.
"Hop in!"
Helen sat in the back seat.
"Where to?" He asked while his right hand on the passenger seat, and turned his head and looked intensity at Helen.
She thought for a moment. She knew many streets, but she suddenly remembered that Mark Lived in Richardson, on Campbell Road.
"Campbell Road in Richardson!"
The driver kept looking at her in the rear view mirror. He tried very hard to have a conversation with her. As grateful as Helen was for the ride, she did not like the man's curiosity about herself. Finally she had no choice but to say:
"Will you just take me where I want to go. I am not in a mood for chit chat..."
The driver did not like her attitude. He was suspicious of something. No word exchanged anymore between them, but he did not stop looking in the rear view mirror. She finally got out of the car at the corner of Campbell Road and North Central Expressway. She looked in the bag. All the money she had taken from the safe was hundred dollar bill.
"I don't have change!" The driver said with a bitter smile after Helen gave him a hundred dollar bill.
"Keep the change!" She closed the door and walked to the other side of the street without paying attention to all the cars that were not slowing down. One of them almost hit her! The drivers of the cars were all mad at this woman who was crossing the street where she was not supposed to. But she was now running from the taxi driver, who had not moved yet.
Richardson Library was right there, in this big area with many benches, a fountain and lots of trees. It almost looked like a park. She went inside the building, holding tight to her small, black bag. When a woman asked her if she could help her, Helen said:
"Do you have any books or brochure with the list of rental apartments?"
"Yes, actually we do, many of them. You can take one of each. They are free and you can take them with you!"
The woman showed her a stand next to the entrance door.
"They are all there in those shelves! But they are all for Richardson area! Take what you want."
To Be Continued
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