The news was about, "The murder in Highland Park!" Roger was the suspect. The man who was gunned down was Mark. Her heart palpitated, to a degree that she felt she was about to die. " Oh, my
poor Mark. He killed him, my good, old Mark with wife and children." Her breath was laboured; her lungs were heaving. "He lost his life to save mine!" she began crying. " If I had not run, this would not had happened."
She started a cigarette, and poured a glass of brandy for herself. Shortly after she fell asleep in front of television. When she woke up, the television was on with a loud and annoying sound and snowy screen! They had already signed off. She had this terrible headache. She remembered the murder, Mark, Roger. But she also knew that now she was safe. Roger would never mention her name in his trail. He did not want anyone know what kind of business he was running. Even if police would know about his dirty act of getting young girls and almost selling them to rich men for money, he would not mention her. Her intuition said that her name would never be mentioned!
She followed the trial intensely in the newspaper! When they had searched his house, they had found the trace of a major destruction! He had destroyed everything, the safe, the mirrors, and had put a regular wall in there. All the videos and wiring in and around and out of the house was gone. He had left no evidence of watching people who lived in his house even in the bathroom. He had many tapes of young girls when they were with his customers so he could use them if they would ever wanted to leave him. She remembered that he even showed one of them to her once. He knew that he was going to kill Mark, so he had gotten rid of all the evidence before killing Poor Mark! But what was puzzling to her was why Mark had not left. He should had known. But then she read that Roger had killed Mark in front of his family not in his house but Mark's; that Mark had left his job only about ten days prior to his murder!
Helen got her GED. It was very easy for her. She was always a very good student. She had lost two years of school; nevertheless now she had her high school diploma. She had turned eighteen only several months ago. With her good grades she was able to go to the university. She chose UTD, because first it was not very far from her house and besides she had heard that it was a very good university. She also got her driver licence and bought a new, small Ford car.
She decided that she would not date or mix up with men throughout her college years. She already knew so much about men; but what she knew about them was only their dark side. She was disgusted with them. College years went smoothly and without glitch for her. She still had the money in the little, black bag. Every month she deposited some in the bank, but not all of them.
Roger convicted of murdering Mark. He got life in prison without the possibility of parole. She wanted so much to go and see Mark's family, but she knew that would cause problem, for her emotionally and for them suspense. So like many other things she forgot about it. Mark's death was a big poisonous knot in her throat. She felt responsible for his death. On the other hand without his help, she had never been able to get out of Roger's claws. This pain would stay with her forever!
She decided to go for graduate study. She always wanted to be a teacher. She had gotten her BA in English.
Nancy, one of her classmate had a birthday party. She did not communicate with many people. Some called her arrogant, some called her shy, but no one called her frightened! She was scared to death to see someone who was related to Roger and perhaps would recognize her. However this time, she accepted her friend's, invitation!
The party was on a warm October evening. Nancy had many people from college and also some other friends that were not related to the college for her birthday. The ones that were not from college, were some young men from military. Nancy's brother, who was drafted and was going to Vietnam, had invited them. One of these young men, was Steve. She did not know what to call it, destiny or coincidence! They clicked right away. Helen had just started her master program. Steve was done with his training and he was an Air force pilot. He was volunteered and was to be deployed to Vietnam in a several months.
His love for Helen was instantaneous; it was a true love; so she thought! Nonetheless he was a man who thought men have higher priority than women. He said so. "Women are after thought for God because Adam was lonely. God created women to comfort men!"
Helen was not sure if she was in love with him or she wanted to settle down! So when Steve asked her for marriage, she just said, yes. Some how at that moment it was easier to say yes than no...!
To Be Continued
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