"So where's your wedding band? Do you always take it out when you go out without her?!"
"Oh, come on, Helen! Stop it! She took hers out because she her fingers were so swollen. So we decided that I take it out, too; and we wear them on a chain around our neck until she'll have the baby and swelling goes away and then we both put our wedding band on again!"
"Oh, how romantic!" Helen's face wreathed in a phony smile; but in fact she was very jealous at that point. Then she continued:
"Do you love her?" She was serious now!
It took Jacob a long time to answer. When he did, he cocked his head, knowing that something very revealing had happened tonight.
"I knew Mr. Holland wanted me to marry his daughter; but we were almost raised like sister and brother. At the time that I married her was to please her father; to thank him for everything he did for me. I love her but more like a very good friend or a sister! She really is a good wife. I know she loves me like a man not a brother!"
Helen began laughing really loud and then said earnestly:
"So we both made a mess out of our lives!"
"How so? You have a master degree, you will teach soon, something you always wanted. I've gotten free education; I'm a lawyer; I have a good job and a good..."
"Come on Jacob! You know what I'm talking about! We got what we wanted from life for two kids who ran away from home with no money. But now I don't need money. I realized tonight that I have needed you for so many years and I know that is how you feel, too! I don't understand why we both prospered only to be so unhappy and friendless!" At this moment, again her tears were flowing down her face!
Jacob contained his frustration. He wished that he had never come to the party this night! In fact it was Melisa's idea: " Go honey, go with other lawyers. Have fun!"
Helen was thinking to herself: "Oh, my God, how far am I from my childhood, and how far do I still must go? ! This huge abyss of memory from childhood till now is nothing but wretchedness!" She turned to Jacob, brought her hands to his face and held on to it with both her hands.
"Steve is coming in a couple of weeks. Your Melisa is at her parents. Come, let's go to my apartment!"
Jacob stood up automatically. They had missed the arrival of the New Year of 1967. They had not heard the screaming, the howling, the music, and ... of people when the new year came. Their last drink stayed untouched on their short cocktail table.
Jacob put his jacket on. At the door, Helen gave her ticket to get her coat. They left Jacob's car in the parking of the hotel; and drove Helen's car to her apartment.
Two weeks later Steve came for his second leave from Air force!!
To Be Continued
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