Helen had not yet listened to Jacob's heart beat; but she felt her own heart palpitation, which throbbed violently. She knew, yet she did not know if Jacob's wanting
her so much was only sexual or he was truly in love with her. Nevertheless, what she saw in his eyes was a real love that she had never seen it with any men!
She was told more than enough that she was a good lover! Wasn't that what Steve, her husband, always told her; even when they were fighting like two wild animals! She did not know how, where, and when she had learned to be so sexual; to know things that pleases men; therefore pleased herself! Was it the teaching of her father: "Do this, touch that, kiss there, ..."; or the year and half making money for Roger, so much so that Roger had picked her as his own girlfriend. He had many girls that doing what she did, but none of them were Roger's favorite! Helen was!
A day before Steve's arrival, he told Jacob that they had to stop, that Steve was coming home, that people were talking behind their back, that his position in the law firm was in jeopardy, that Mr. Holland might find out about it, that his wife might divorce him, that ...
Jacob agreed with her; nevertheless, like a little boy, he began to cry. She cried, too; but tried to act normal with this big baby! He asked her to promise him to call him, to get back to their love affair immediately after Steve was gone! She did! At the time her plan was not to keep her promise, but the minute Steve left after twenty days stay, she picked up the phone and called him.
During Steve's stay, They fought the whole time. They fought because she had not yet changed the apartment. They fought because he wanted to start a family right away. They fought because she had not started to teach right away for Spring semester, and delayed it till Fall semester. They fought for big things and small things!
But when night came, he forgot all about their quarrels and immersed himself in her body, in her perfume; unaware that this time Helen, who was as sexual as before, was not making love to him; she was making love to Jacob with her eyes closed and having the illusion that the man, who was devouring her, was Jacob not her husband, Steve!
She could not wait for Steve to leave. She did not want to divorce him, not when he was serving their country. People were already against this war and treating the soldiers so poorly. She was an honorable woman with all her shortcomings!!
To Be Continued
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