For Helen the future was a mystery which she never made any effort to discover it. At this moment of her life, the present was meaningful and momentous; it was hers; it tortured her while it gave her the true pleasure she had never known before! She was denied a real love, a true friend, a true lover! She did not know how it felt when confronted one! But now that she had found it, there were barriers, obstructions, and impediments everywhere along the way and in front of her. Even her mother had never
shown a real and true love to her!
She was married; he was married; he had a child now. She acted brave and carefree, yet she was frightened of Steve. She had yearned things that she did not know existed before; and now that she finally found them, she had to give them up to save mostly Jacob.
He had a family; a father- in- law, who had helped him to become what he was; and most likely he would give him what he had when his time for retirement or death would approach! He had said himself that he did not have a son! He even did not visit his son in prison! For him, his life was his daughter, Jacob, and little Andrew, which had gotten his name!
Helen truly did not want to ruin his life. She did not care if her life was ruined. Now she knew what the word "LOVE", that writers, poets, mothers and everyone used so often, really meant. It was when you give of yourself to save the one you loved. She would never do that for Steve or anyone else, she would only do it for Jacob!
Every time that she decided to tell Jacob that they needed to stop, he kissed her mouth and told her to hush up. He had also found a true love. He had never forgotten Helen, that sixteen years old who ran away with him from Chicago. All these years he had been in love with her and no one else. Now he know! He wanted and desired her like a mad man! She wanted him like a mad woman! However, she knew that she had to let go of him; he knew that he could not let her go! She did not mind to lose what she held so dear in heart; what she had been denied all her life; what her vehement, newly aware being demanded of her so passionately!
The distinction was like a hand playing with masterly and methodically quality on the strings of her emotion! She had a soul that awareness crawled spontaneously into feeling, and feeling dashed back as a new element of proficiency!
To Be Continued
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