Helen laughed loud and looked at the young, handsome waiter, wearing a black tuxedo trousers, white starched shirt, with black bow tie, and black tuxedo vest.
"Another martini for me!" Her eyes smiling after the cry which had made her makeup to run on her cheeks. Jacob used a napkin and wiped her smudged face from her makeup after her crying! The waiter looked at them and smiled!
"For me double vodka and a seven up! Please don't mix them. Just bring me a glass of ice." Jacob ordered his drink.
The waiter finally left them. They sat next to each other; their bodies almost touching. So far everything went smoothly and beautifully. Helen had not felt this good for a long, long time! Jacob held her hand in his and unconsciously began playing with her wedding band. A few minutes passed in silent. She knew what he was thinking! Suddenly as if he was shocked by some unseemly jolt, like when people would stop to watch an accident, which he called it, morbid fascination, he pulled his hand from hers!
"You're married!?" He inquired almost timidly!
"Oh, that, it's nothing! So what if I am married? I don't know why I did it! I guess I was bored!" She responded with a derisive laughter and somewhat astonishment; yet what she was saying was the truth. Her marriage to her was nothing!
They talked for hours. Helen told him everything that had happened to her since the last she had seen him. He already knew her life up to age sixteen. Now he knew the rest of it. He was the only one that now knew about all of Helen's life, even the murder of poor, old Mark! Even Steve, her husband did not know about Roger or her father molesting her, or the money in the small, black bag!
"You know Steve is coming home in a couple of weeks for his annual leave." She was not sure why she said her husband's name, Steve, with some kind of emphasis on S to Jacob! Her tone of voice was incredulous.
"Does it mean that we can't see each other anymore when he comes?" Jacob's face wreathed in a phony smile.
"Of course we can. I don't love him. I feel sorry for him. I didn't know who I loved, who I cared for, but I know it now. I find it out tonight! It is you Jacob! I know you wanted me when we ran away from Chicago! But then we both were kids. I was running from a home that for eight years my father molested me. I didn't know anything about the real love then! I was so cruel! I hated men!"
He waved his hands in protest while being shocked of her openness!
"You're still cruel! How can you marry a man with free will and then say that you don't love him? How can you say that? We haven't seen each other for eight years. Even then when we only ran away with each other, you never showed any interest towards me! I really wanted you then! I was crazy for you; but you never gave me any hint; and then you disappeared without saying goodbye! I looked for you a long time and finally gave up!" His voice was getting animated as he continued with his complaining!!
To Be Continued
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