With Steve, everything was direct and ugly. Old days that they fought constantly, were Helen's
good days. Now to her, she was a common man, a coarse man, like her own father. For the first time she felt the influence of Jacob in her life, the way he had influenced her and treated her like a woman not a toy and because of that had changed her life! She kept recalling the episode in front of the grocery store. She kept making up scenarios in case they saw or talked with each other again, what would it be like? But they did not! All these were just illusions?
The abhorrence of feeling in her was too strong to be called anything! It was an uproar with the terrible strain of nights and the mornings after which made a combative pain; she could only understand that this would be so dramatic when or if she would gain her old bravery to feel it!!
No person who looked from outside to their lives, would not be happy to change place with them! Only if Helen could talk to them the true happenings of what really happened behind their walls and windows. Elizabeth was growing fast right in front of her eyes! She looked so much like Steve. Now that she was not hungry anymore, she was a chubby baby with double chin, big cheeks; her arms and hands and legs were fat with rolls and rolls of baby fat on them. She was a beautiful little girl since her father was a really handsome man and her mother was a beautiful woman according to everyone. The color of her hair was light brown; not blond like Helen and not black like Steve; her eyes were hazel color, again right in between the two of them. She was so happy to see her father when he came home on Wednesday night or Thursday morning; even though it was her mother, who was with her constantly and took care of her. The first word she learned was not Mama but it was Dada. Helen almost did not care; but deep in her layers of her emotions, she did care.
"How is it that I am the one that feed her hungry stomach all the time, and take care of her, and stay with her all the time, but she laughs and does her baby talk when she sees her dad?"
Elizabeth was truly in love with her dad. Steve was truly in love with his little girl. Although the father and daughter did not see each other half of the week, Elizabeth never forgot her dad. The expression "daddy's little girl" was a perfect phrase for them. The minute Elizabeth heard Steve's footstep, or his voice calling her while opening the door, she began laughing and moving her arms and legs in a way that Helen had never seen her to do them for her!!
To Be Continued
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