If nothing in the past year brought Elizabeth and Helen together, this house did. The child began acting calmer, kinder, and more reasonable towards her mother! Now she came to her bed every morning. She jumped on her bed and wrapped her fat arms around Helen's neck and rained her mom with kisses. Now she preferred her mother even to her dad when he was home. Helen thought it was a miracle; Steve was happy, yet jealous; and Elizabeth was just a little child that began loving her mother!
Helen joined the neighborhood group. They were mostly young mothers like her, who stayed home with their children. Their husbands were mostly very successful business men, lawyers, or ... They would get together two or three times in the afternoons, before dinner time. Children played with each other! Mothers became good friends, and sometimes even close friends. They helped out each other with baby sitting if one of the mothers had something to do, or had a doctor appointment or even wanted to go shopping without her child or children! Elizabeth loved their two to three times a week afternoon gathering of children and mothers. Their house was used more than others since they had a pool. That pool had become the center of fun in summer time for mothers and children!
Helen began feeling good about her life. She was happy somewhat. Now she loved her daughter. Every time she held her, Elizabeth's eyes flashed of content and happiness. She touched her mother's shoulders with both hands and looked straight into her mother's eyes, that now luminance and life had come back to them. Her look at her mom was intense, loving, piercing; it did not look like a look of a two years old child!
It seemed though as light had returned to Helen's life! All varieties, all the charms, all the beauties of life were now made of radiance and rarely of shade. Steve's weekends were now calmer, less demanding, more of kindness, and less of hatred! Helen's relaxed mood brought back her true beauty both physically and spiritually! She was now more welcoming to their love making.
It was in one of these weekends that Steve told her after a satisfying intimacy:
"Honey, I think I've punished you enough for your sin!" Then he stopped and looked at her to see what kind of impression he had left. Her eyes were closed! She opened her eyes suddenly in a way as though a big lightening had just hit her. Her face contorted. She turned her face; thought to herself: "Not again!" As she was opening her mouth to say what was in her mind, Steve put his forefinger on her mouth, meant to be silent and continued himself:
To Be Continued
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