This was a new intensity! Helen felt conscious of herself, from the shaking of her legs, to the heaving of her
lungs and heart as her breath was laboured, and her lips twitched. Again, once more a darkness was upon her; but because of this gloom which she had predicated it would come, she felt that one thing which could guide her through this isolation was for her to work! She had already gone and talked to the Human Resource of the college she had taught only three semesters; and they told her that they would hire her back anytime she was ready to come back. She wanted to clutch to this one opportunity she had with all her might! But now in this horrible night everything suddenly changed, everything shattered!
Steve left Sunday night for his job. The first thing she did after his leaving, was to investigate her birth control pills. When he was home in the last three days, he watched her constantly. He did not left her alone even for a minute.
"How stupid am I?" She told herself. It was obvious that the pills were changed. "When am I going to have peace at last?" She said that in her speaking mind! Had he told her the truth that for the last three months she was taking placebos, there was a great possibility that she could be pregnant. She was never a type of a woman to write down or remember the first day of her period. She tried very hard to recall when was it that she had her last period?
Finally she recalled that for Elizabeth's second birthday, when they had had a pool party, she was period. That was a month and a half ago. She conjured up that day she did not put her bathing suit on. She always had heavy and painful periods. She recalled that she had taken pain medicine that day and for the evening party she did not drink. Steve's sister asked her that day, she remembered:
"Don't you want to get into the water?"
Now it was middle of July. She was definitely late. Oh, God, not again! She had to be pregnant.
"Oh Lord, no, no!" She could not wait for Monday morning to call the doctor!!
To Be Continued
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