Towards the end of September, Helen got sick again. Her headaches were back; but her sickness was more than just her migraine's headaches. She could not hold food in her stomach! She vomited all the time; she lost weight. This time she knew for certainty that she was pregnant. She was only late fro two weeks. The last time, she had no symptoms, no sickness; but that one was Jacob's child, a good man's seed. This time she was impregnated by an evil man; therefore, she was sick. Perhaps if she said this to any one, they would laugh at her, but she really believed it. The doctor confirmed what she was afraid of. The strange thing was the doctor told her that she was due at the end of May, exactly a year after her first baby was born! Was that just a coincidence, or was it the hand of God at work to remind her of her first born always?
She was pregnant, or as Steve said, they were pregnant. She hated that expression: "We are pregnant. There is never WE. Steve was her lawful husband; the baby was his and hers; but she was dreaming and yearning the other, the child of Jacob; the one man that she had ever loved and still did. She wanted desperately to find out who adopted her little boy; but Steve had forcefully gotten a power of attorney from her to handle everything. It was done under duress. He had pressured her to sign the power of the attorney. He had hidden all those legal papers of the open adoption from her. She was in absolute dark, did not know anything! She had no clue who adopted her little boy!
Steve began his work the week of Thanksgiving. He flew to Western Europe. His job required of him to be gone for three to four days and be home the rest of the week. Now that he was working, she had more freedom. She had her car back. People at work this time knew that she was pregnant. Her hair was growing long again. That was what Steve wanted. She was not allowed to color her hair anymore; so now she was a blond again. Top of her hair was all blond, the bottom, which Steve would allow her to cut was dark brown. She begged him to let her to cut some of her hair to get rid of the old color;and he said no way.
Her colleagues at work were surprised to find out that she was a natural blond.
"Oh, how pretty. People color their hair blond and you that are natural blond, colored it dark. Strange!" She seared if she heard this comment once more, she would scream. Nevertheless, she heard it many more times and did not scream!!
To Be Continued
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