During the coming years, father worked one daughter against the other to continue his sadistic act. Many times the two sisters saw that their mother opened the door and without putting the light on, witnessed what her husband did to her daughters! But she never complained or said anything, or acknowledged that something this barbaric and savage was going on in her house! So the girls thought what the father was doing was normal since mother knew about it and did not stop it, or left her husband with her children! Their policy at home was that never to speak anything to others about what happened in their home!
During the day everything was normal. He came home from work and asked the girls about their school, homework, and usual things that fathers do! He expected them to do good at school. Should any of them got a bad grade in a subject, she would be grounded. Therefore both of the girls were good students. Their punishment for not getting good grades, or not doing their homework, or their chores around the house, was a few days or even one week denial of love from father.
He took them shopping for school, or for Christmas like any normal family. He was a no- nonsense man and strict father. It was important for him that they did good at school. He had a dream of college and good future for them since neither him or his wife had college degree or even high school diploma!
But none of these rules stopped Helen of talking about her nightly adventures with dad with two of her best friends! She was about thirteen when she began talking to her friends, Sara and Marilyn. She just had gotten her first period. She did not know the connection, but her father made her to take these pills every night of the month except one week. She wanted to ask her mother about it, but she changed her mind. As young as she was, she knew that her mother's answer would be vague and frivolous. Her friends had just gotten their periods, too. The three of them talked about things they would not dare to speak to their parents! They had a big fight that day! In fact it was Helen, who started the argument. Both Sara and Marilyn told her that her father was a sick man, that he was a criminal, that he was a child molester! It was obvious that that they lived in a very normal home with right- minded and loving parents, who had taught them the true right and wrong, not the falsehood and canard that Helen's parents instilled into her and her sister!
Helen did not know any of these words about one's parents that her friends were using. They explained to her what those words meant! They even told her that her father could go to prison for what he was doing to her and her sister!
How could all these be wrong? Five years of intimacy with father, a mother that knew all about it and approved it, a sister, who was finally sharing dad with her for the last three years!! If they were immoral, why had not her mother done anything about it?
Her friends told her that the pills her father made her to take, were birth control pills that had just recently been discovered by the drug companions; and they most likely would have side affects.
"How stupid are you?!" Sara said.
"Have you ever asked yourself why he doesn't give the pills to your sister?" Marilyn put a stamp of ambiguity on Helen's confused mind.
She had heard about birth control pills! In fact she had seen that her mother was taking the exact, identical ones like the one she took!
Talking to her friends caused her to question her dad that night! He became so angry that he could not finish what he had started it. He was so outrageous that he was screaming:
"How stupid are you? This is our secret, our private thing! You just don't go around and tell people about it! I just don't want you anymore! Charlotte by herself is enough for me. You destroyed our special love, you moron!"
She was called stupid twice that day. Tears flowed down her face. Charlotte was happy that her older sister, dad's favorite, was falling out of favor!!
To Be Continued
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