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Helen put on her pants suit on and left home. She hanged the jacket of her suit in the back of her car and started the car. It was hellishly hot to wear the jacket; but it was the policy of her company that the people who worked in the office, would wear either pant suit or skirt and a jacket; for men always coat and tie.
She conjured up the days that Jacob and she slept in shelter; sometimes if the shelter was too crowded or some drug addict or alcoholic made a pass on her, they would go to the Catholic Church next door, and slept on one of the pews. She recalled those days that they both worked minimum pay at Safeway Grocery store. It seemed like a long time ago! "Oh, those days!"
But those days had not last long for Helen. When she left Jacob in less than three months after they had arrive in Dallas, she had found a way of making money, a lot of money, a money she would and could not see for a long time. She left Jacob without saying goodbye to him. She left her work without telling her manager, the man, who had hired him, that she was leaving.
Her goal was not to be a dancer or a prostitute, but her new boyfriend, Roger, a black man about forty years old, told her that she was beautiful, that with her natural beauty, blond hair, blue eyes, the perfect figure that she had, and her being at her age almost six feet tall, she could make a lot of money. She did not have to work minimum wage at the grocery store, Roger told her. She was very smart beside being gorgeous, he continued. Helen was mesmerised by him. This was the first time that words like these were touching the chord of her emotion and heart. She recalled the beautiful words her father had told her in order to molest her. At the time she was captivated by her father's words; but now she knew those words were coming out of the mouth of a sick, criminal father, a man, who was supposed to protect her and her sister! Perhaps because of this background and want of easy money, since her job at the grocery store was back braking, she gravitated towards Roger so quickly. She did not say goodbye to Jacob, the poor, innocent Jacob. She really never cared for him. She did not signed off for that day at work or quit. She just left and did not go to the shelter or showed up in the morning.
The black Limousin with its driver was waiting outside in the corner street, where no one from the grocery store could see her was getting into this luxurious car! She was going with another dark and enigmatic man and she did not know it!
"Roger sent me. My name is Mark," The driver of the limousine said.
Later she found out that Mark was the special body guard of Roger. He was also guarded their extravagant home in Highland Park. Mark was a black man, she guessed about fifty or less, he was very soft spoken, and later became Helen's best friend in that house of horror.
Roger was driving in that street one day at the time that Helen and Jacob got off the work. He paused a little, rolled the window down and with a loud voice said: "Hay,"
Both Helen and Jacob turned toward this red Ferrari, with this very sophisticated man behind the wheel, and walked toward the car.
"Yes, did you call us?" Jacob said, Helen standing next to him. Roger sized Helen up and down and thought to himself: "Oh, what a beautiful girl!" But to them he said:
"Young lady do you know where is store here that sells men's shoes?"
Helen felt a little shiver in her body and said: " No, sir!" Roger drove off without saying thank you; But he began going there everyday and walk in the store. He took Helen to lunch one day. Jacob did not know anything about these. It took Roger only one week to convince Helen to go and live with him. So now Helen was in the limousine driving to her dream home and man...
To Be continued
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