"Common you guys, let's get you some food!"
Helen got up from coach. She was tired, sleepless, and did not feel like going to work. She opened a can of soft cat food, it was white fish and shrimp, for Tony, and a pouch of dog food for Miss Daisy.
She took her night gown out
and put a tee shirt and a short on very quickly so she could take the dog for a walk. In the morning Miss Daisy was always so ready to go out and do her things.
Her apartment was on the first floor. There was a little creek right in front of her apartment. Finding a place to walk for Miss Daisy was easy. She did not even have to take a bag to clean after the dog; no one did, even though it was a law. They called it scooper pooper.
As her pets were eating their food, she stepped into the shower, thinking about all the work she needed to do that day. She wished she did not have to go to the boss's home. But it seemed as though going to his house had become part of her secretarial job. She said in her speaking mind: "I guess I have to be grateful to have a job in this bad economy!!" But when she thought about how their company was in financial problem like many others, she sighed loud. The middle class women who mostly were their company's buyers and liked her boss's design, could not afford anymore to spend money on fancy clothes. Her boss had cut a lot of cost, laid off many of the factory workers, like other companies was outsourcing a lot to China, since the labor there was so cheap. Nonetheless his original customers, many high end of the middle class, either husband or wife, or both, had lost their jobs! The people who had lost their jobs, were collecting unemployment benefit which The government kept extending it. Many people were taking advantage of this and truly did not want to find a job, so all this stimulus packages, extension of unemployment benefit, saving the green jobs that they would bankrupt anyway, just to have photo ups with them, "we are creating so many green jobs!" were falling on the shoulder of tax payers people, like Helen, who worked hard. In the last year and half the debt had increased so much, even more than all the presidents combined. Only half of the country worked to support the other half! She had never seen anything like this in her sixty eight years on earth and in America! She could not wait for the next election, perhaps they would get lucky and get some one in the White House, who was not socialists and inexperienced!!!
In Helen's company, they were cutting on their expenditure, as much as they could!!
The bus ride from Chicago to Springfield, Illinois was almost fun. For both, Helen and Jacob, this was the first time they were leaving their home town. Her boyfriend, Jacob, was two months younger than Helen. His father had left them and her mother for another woman when he was three and his sister was five. His mother married this man she had met in a bar in less than six months after the divorce from their father. Their stepfather began living with them almost from the first day that his mother had met him in the bar. He had no job, but kept saying that he had many opportunities. All day long he lay on the coach, drinking bear and smoking cigar while his mother was at work. At the beginning before they got married, he was not violent at all; he even helped around the house; but that was not the case when his mother married him. In the next thirteen years, his true face was a brutal, lazy, violent, and a nasty man, who took advantage of his mother, never worked, and beat up the children. Every time he wanted to be intimate with their mother, he did not care that the children could hear them. He did everything in a coercive and vicious way. Jacob put his hands on his ears so he could not hear his mother's crying and begging for some gentility and sweetness. His fury and brutality was not only for the children, but was also towards their mother! In the next thirteen years he was an extra insolent and abusive man to all of them. The opportunity for work that he constantly claimed, never came, so he never worked. "I can work tomorrow if I want! But I am waiting for something very suitable fort me!" Why should he work? If the mother went along with him and with this life and put her children under this kind of castigating behavior of her husband, why would he care?!!
To Be Continued
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