Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Secrets- Chapter Six

Rosa's listeners were puzzled. She began talking after awhile, first more like mumbling and then slowly her voice became more clear:
"For a long time I had struggled to be in command of my life, my prospects, and my situations. I've been partially successful so far; but let me tell you truthfully that now what I feel is panic. A deep, incisive dread is rattling me, and you all know when hysteria comes, delirium follows it. Yes, I'm at the verge of frenzy now.
"All my adult life, I've had only one goal, to face my father, to spit on his face, and to tell him how coward he is. I planned my life around that goal. I lived, strove, and breathed for that goal. Tonight I finally had that chance, but I suddenly realized that I don't want to do any of those that I had planned. Instead I want to love him and I want him to love me." Suddenly Rosa burst into a hysterical cry. Tears rushed down her face involuntary.
Everyone was silent. Jacob did not know what to do; nonetheless, he automatically hugged his daughter and kissed her head.
"I don't think I want to know what you've done before. All it matters to me is that now we've found each other. No, I don't want to know what you had done up to now!" Jacob said with his eyes cast down
Suddenly Tim's eyes widened. No, that was not his plan. Things were happening in a way that he did not like.
"Jacob, you've heard every one's story. You must hear hers, too, in order to know mine. And let me tell you, you all need, must, should know my story. Even Rosa doesn't know mine." Tim seemed calm, but there was an uproar in him.
Rosa responded with a soft and sad voice:
"He is right. I even don't know his story. I'm anxious to know it, too. I thought his son's suicide was his story, which I didn't know that either, but I guess he has more secrets than any of us can imagine. I tell you mine. I don't care anymore. If you all think what a terrible person I am, that's fine with me. I deserve it, I deserve..." She began crying again.
Her tears and emotions cut Diana's heart, as though she was her own child. She did not care what Rosa had done. All she cared now was that she loved her as though she was her own daughter, her Vickie.
"Why don't we stop this now?" Diana said with a sharp voice. Then she turned to Tim and said:
"We don't care to know your secret. Just leave her and all of us alone. I know how much pain you're in. To lose one's child is the worse thing can happen to any parent. I truly empathize with you. But it is time to end all of these!"
Tim responded with a loud laughter:
"You're the only good person among all of us, Diana. But you must, you should hear my secret. Mine is the matter of death and life."
A deadly silence followed. His mysterious remark made everyone wonder what his secret could be that it was the matter of life and death. However, Rosa, after wiping her tears with her hand, said to Diana:
"You're a great, dignified woman. I wish you were my natural mother. I must tell my story. Please don't hate me later."

To Be Continued

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