The bearded man was still brainstorming to find out who she was, when she said:
"I just turn around, sir, please... Allow me to just turn around!"
Neda took advantage of this momentary puzzlement of the man and put her car in reverse, backed up to the side walk of a house. Then she shifted to one and sped out. She turned to an alley on her right, so narrow that she hit her car on both side. However there were many cars parked there. She eyed a spot, and parked her car. She knew that she had damaged her car both on body and underneath the car when she went on the side walk; but at this point she did not care for anything but to reach to her destination. She began running. Walking to where she was supposed to meet her daughter, was her last resort. She had left home early enough. If she hurried, she would make it on time. She estimated half an hour walking time to get there, to her daughter's friend's home. Arianna was doing this behind her parents' back. She wanted to meet Neda for the first time in her friend's home.
As she left the alley, she faced the surge of people, men, women, children, and all those machines, tanks, trucks; and all those bearded men.
"How am I going to make it in half an hour?" She reflected with distaste. Before being able to turn around and perhaps to go back to the alley where her car was parked, she was pushed by people right to the middle of the crowd. She listened to their slogans: "Death to the Shah, America is great Satan, death to America..." What were all these about? Could not they see that their riots would not bring them freedom?! Could not they compare this revolution with the ones before or in other countries and come to the conclusion that one corrupt regime would replace another? How about women? How could they be so blind? The ancient women of Persia, one could read in history books, had more rights than them in the Twentieth Century! How could all these women be so simple and naive? Could not they see that their stand in society with Theocracy Regime would be more horrible than before?
The December frost glowed on the branches of the plain trees. A chill ran into her bones. As she was pushed by people more and more out of her way, she spotted the side walk on the opposite side; a gleam of hope, even though it was the opposite of where she needed to go. "If I just make it there!" But for going there, she needed to cross the street which was filled not only with thousands of people, but also with tanks, trucks and military equipments. And there were men, men, women, children, and then women again who were holding babies and tagging along toddlers. The odor, the sound, the noise of the machines, and all those men dirty, unshaven, all carrying weapons, all had crowded the streets of Tehran!
To Be Continued
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