"Are you okay? What is the matter?" Kasra was understandably concerned.
"Can you come here now?" Neda's breathing was heard heavy from the other side.
"Now!?" He questioned her. He knew what all these meant; on the other hand, he also knew that her mood might change by the time he was at her home!
"Now! I want you to hold me. I am so lonely!" Then she added:
"Be silent when you come. I don't want you to wake up Aria!"
Kasra did not have any objection to this offer. It had happened before. He knew of her ups and downs. He had entered Neda's home in the middle of night a few times. He always had the key.
He was there in thirty minutes. Neda heard his car; but she did not want him anymore. She did not know how to tell him; nonetheless, she had done it before. Kasra read her mind by just taking a glimpse at her. By now he was used to her whims and impulsion.
She remembered the times she had with Mansour. The only way she could go through Mansour's wanting her was drinking wine. They both sat on Neda's bed. Kasra brought a bottle of dry, red wine, Neda's favorite, and two glasses. They began drinking and talking about her work. He slowly and surreptitiously began touching her naked legs which were showing through her open robe. Then he removed her robe. Suddenly the shadows were deepened in the bedroom. Her radio was on and a soft song, one of her favorite which was called "Kiss me", and Vighen, again one of her favorite singer was singing it. Kasra turned off the lights. He knew her very well, never in light. The music in the radio grew stronger and turbulent, where the singer was saying, "for the last time", and then soft with entreaty. That was how she felt, like that music, "kiss me for the last time", while Kasra made love to her. The shadow grew deeper. The music filled the room. It floated out into night, losing itself in the silence of the upper air; and then... all of the sudden stopped.
Neda could not understand herself. She had called kasra to come, but like the days of her short marriage, she had to drink wine, she had to listen to music, so as not to hear his breathing, or any other sound from him, she had to concentrate on the words of the song and tell herself what stanza would be coming next, she had to have her room darkened. She had Kasra at her home almost every night, and she would call him just that one night that he was not there, and then she treated him the way she did, not a lover, but like some one that forcing himself on her.
She did not want to offend Kasra, whom she had waken up in the middle of night. She remembered that she had told him on the phone:
"Bring me to the mood!" Kasra did not need that announcement from her. That was the only way she could go through it; nevertheless, she seldom reached the climax. this particular night, she did not have to pretend. Often times she had to. He had become an expert to know Neda in and out. He knew what had happened to her in past; but it took an expert to find out how was it possible some one could need something so bad and a minute later could not even stand it. Sometimes Neda would tell him:
"I think you know me better than myself!"
So Kasra had learned to edit her books to her satisfaction, to bring her to her to the ultimate pleasure, the way she wanted it, a thrill that sounded more like an animal cry than a woman's occasional gratification. Neda remembered that how shy she had been at the beginning to ask Kasra about these intimate issues. But now that a few years had passed from the first, she was not shy anymore, as long as she drank wine, the light were off, and the radio was on.
They both smoked afterwards; even though Neda had forbidden herself to smoke in bed.
She slept peacefully that night. When she woke up, Kasra was not there; Aria was laying next to her. She turned around and kissed her little nephew.
To be continued
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