What is the difference between being a child or an adult? We do wish sometimes that we could go back and become children again. We think by doing that we would do things differently. But no one knows. This subject was what inspired me to write this poem, "OH, IF WE WERE CHILDREN". I wrote this poem on 12- 20- 2010.
"When we were children, we had big hearts;
Now that we're grown, our hearts are shrinking and will become to nothing.
What if our hearts stayed as big as when we were children!
What if we were still children, so people could read words in our eyes!
What if we didn't need speaking to talk!
What if only our eyes could Speak!
What if our hearts were painted on our face!
But now, no one can hear us even if we scream!
So we must choose silence when we grow up.
Look at this world!
When we were children, rain always poured from sky!
Now that we're grown, rain pours from our eyes!
When we were children, people noticed our rainy faces!
Now that we're grown, no one can see our sobbing.
When we were children, we were not ashamed to cry!
Now that we're grown, we cry in solitude!
When we were children, no one could break our hearts!
And if they did, it was just for a little while!
Now that we're grown, our hearts break and stay broken.
When we were children, we stretched our arms to measure our love!
Now that we're grown, our love is little, or too big, or nothing in between!
When we were children, judgement was not in our horizon!
Now that we're grown, our judgement blocks our love!
What if we still can stretch our arms wide to measure our love!
When we were children, our fights were short and not lasting!
Now that we're grown, our fights last our all lives!
When we were children, our desires were small, our wants were little!
Now that we're grown, our smallest desires are our biggest wants!
When we were children, adults listened to our small pains!
Now that we're grown, our pains are large and plenty and nobody listens!
When we were children, we were children!
Now that we're grown, we're not grown, and we're not children!"
I look at the life of my grandchildren or your children and then at the life of adults all around us! I call your children or my grandchildren celebrities. Us, adult, can only wish to go back and live it again; and even if our wishes come through, it wouldn't be the same! Why? Because when we were children, our toys were hand made by our mothers, our schools didn't have computers; our teachers only had blackboard and chalk; we had not heard of I this and I that; we didn't know anything about social media, PJ parties; we (specially girls ) were not allowed to do make up, to stay up late, to remove unwanted hair from our face and our eyebrows, to drive at age fifteen; but we could read the greatest work of literature, we could write, we knew our history and math, we learned a second language, and . . .
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