We Come; we go; we thrive; we fail; we fall in love; we fall out of love; we stay; we leave; but one thing always stay the same: No one stays forever. Youth goes, then they call you middle age, as if it is something heavenly! They call: "You're at the top of the hill." From there it is all downward.
I wrote "HARSH BLOW" with that concept in mind on 1-16-11.
"Night and the silent fiction,
Full and gloomy with abstraction;
Miles of sky and forever alive;
Somber and doleful, always thrive!
The growing man, the aging woman,
The weary lives, minds full of plan.
Big, empty homes, roads covered with frost;
Sunset that fades, dawn we can't trust.
Sky so eternal, beautiful, yet full of offense!
Showing aging woman nothing but suspense.
Youth had broken away, like a wild thing!
Once it had bloomed like a first flower of spring!
The wasteful youth, its harsh blow;
Or wild desires, colored like rainbow!
Now the old woman hums, hums with fright;
With a closed mouth, in the dusk of night."
Neither this is the first nor the last that One feels "WHERE DID IT GO". Have you ever had something so dear to you, like a baby, who hangs on to her pacifier, or a toy, or anything until she stops crying and falls asleep. It's hard for the baby to let go of them; and you can't replace them; she'll know. This is not about me, this is about some irreplaceable people in my life when you see their photos only, like Seeing the photos of mom and dad, and their aging, their becoming frail a little more everyday, specially when you just see pictures, and nothing else. You hear their voices, you notice the change a little more every week, as you notice your own change...
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