"Stop the nonsense." Tim retorted. "We both are useful to each other. We both belong to a group of people that use others for their needs. Don't you know that I know why you're dating me, a man older than your father? I have power and charm... and all the young women like that, and I use it. I never said that I was a good person, but I'm intelligent and brilliant according to all my colleagues. But I also know that I'm an evil person, I admit it. Even when Jacob invited me here, he told me that he wanted to introduce me to his wife because I'm so ingenious, that was the exact words he used, and his wife was so much into poetry. I help you with your school, I let you pass, I talk to your other professors to help you, but I want something in return." Then he looked at Diana and back to Jacob:
"I haven't been caught yet. That is why your wife slept with me, too, because I have power and I use it. I have a list of all my students that I slept with, and I follow up their careers and lives."
There was a sudden stillness in the room. The words had spilled out. Now everyone knew. Although they all had the idea what all these were about. By ruining other's lives, Tim did not mind to show his diabolic mind. It seemed as though devil possesses him; and he enjoyed it.
Rosa got up, but before doing that, she slapped Tim on his face; and then walked to Jacob and stood in front of him.
"Hours ago, you and I had no idea that we're related." Then suddenly she held his hands:
"Please forget about tonight... Let these people go. I'll stay. We talk tomorrow. We all are drunk." She spontaneously hugged her newly found father. Jacob cried quietly.
Diana started a cigarette and poured a glass of wine for herself, whatever was left at the bottle. She drank it all, forgotten a few minutes ago she was sick. Never in her life, she had drunken like this. But now she needed courage, more than human ability to tell the story. But her main reason for deciding to reveal this shame to others was not her part in this contrition, but was Tim's role of using all these young women. From what she saw, he had not changed at all.
"I was his student. " She began, feeling stronger. "The course I was taking was English Literature. Then Jacob's dissertation was pending. I was taking only one or two courses a semester. I was working so Jacob could finish school. Vickie was only one year old.
"We had exam that day, but I wasn't prepared. Vickie was very sick. I had not slept but only a few hours for the last three nights. At work, those days, a couple of time I fell asleep. My mom was taking care of Vickie when I was working."
"You don't have to tell us all these details." Jacob cut her rudely.
"I know details are boring to you, but I must."
"Yes, she does. She is telling how her circumstances were." Rosa came to her defense.
"Anyway..." It seemed that Diana was getting entangled in her words. "Anyway, that day of exam, I went to his office."She looked hatefully at Tim, and then continued:
"I wanted to ask him if I could take my exam another time. I explained to him my situation. I told him my daughter was sick, that I didn't have a chance or time to study. He was very kind. He told me to go to his office after class. He told me that he would work with me.
"I was overjoyed, happy. I thought what a great professor he was to work with his students, to understand their needs, to know the phony ones from the real ones, to know their personal problems besides the classroom." Diana let her hands drop on her lap, and stayed silent for a while which seemed a long time to others. She was searching for words to go on with the story.
Jacob got up, walked away from her, as though in sudden alarm at his wife's words which had burst from her lips. He went to the kitchen, brought back a new bottle of wine, opened it, and without offering the others, he poured a glass for himself. Then he looked around and saw Rosa. He walked to her, sat next to her, while holding her hand.
"After class, I went to his office." Diana was determined to tell the story and get it over with.
"It was late. I was taking night classes so I could work during the days. He was sitting behind his desk. He looked just as he looks now, except he had more hair. He had a smile on his face. he asked me to sit, and then gave me a whole bunch of papers, no actually they were only five pages. 'If you study these,' he said, 'you'll pass. That is not much, is it?' I nodded my head for no, and got up to leave. He reached from his side of desk and held my hand and said: 'No, I can't let you take these out with you. If anyone finds out that I've given these to you, it's not good for my reputation. You're a smart girl, you can study these here. You can make some notes if you want.' I was tempted but it was late. Jacob was expecting me at home any minute. I had to pick up Vickie from my mom's on my way home. On the other hand, I felt this was cheating. So I told him what I felt. He laughed. In fact he laughed very loud and then said: 'No, it's not cheating. I'm not giving you the answers, I'm giving you the questions. Go ahead, call your husband and your mother and tell them that you're running late.'
"So I did. I called home. I asked Jacob to go pick up Vickie from my parents'. I told him that my professor was helping me with me exam. Jacob knew that I had that meeting with Tim. He knew that I was going to ask him to take my exam another time. He told me on the phone: 'That's great. I wish I had a professor like yours.'
"I began studding the questions. He was sitting there, and occasionally told me that if I didn't understand something, I could ask him. I was very grateful, yet I was nervous,too. There was something in that room that made me very uncomfortable. He was reading a book, or appeared doing that; but I knew; I felt that his eyes were on me.
"After half an hour, I wanted to tell him that I should leave, that I was worried for my daughter; but I don't know why, I couldn't. Then suddenly he asked me: 'How old are you?' I looked up. He was not on his chair. He was standing next to me. 'Twenty three,' I said. He put his hand on my shoulder. I shivered. He noticed it. 'Relax, I'm not going to bite you. You're too young to be married and have a child, and support your family.' He said. 'What is wrong with that?' I argued.
"I knew something was not right. As I was contemplating to get up and leave and forget about my exam, he began touching my hair and shoulders. I was frozen with horror. I was so frightened that even I couldn't get up from my chair. Nonetheless, I did and dropped the chair meanwhile. He began laughing again: 'That is not a great price for passing this difficult exam, is it?' He said. I ran to the door, but it was locked. He had planned all these. I found some strength to scream: 'What do you want from me. Let me go please.' 'No one is here to hear you. I'm not going to do anything to you that you don't ask for it.' He said it in a way that brought chills to my bones.
To Be Continued
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