In the freezing street tonight,
A different frozen darkness grows in fright.
The curl on her shoulders like a gentle wave
Covers all other luster with rave.
Into her waist is tapered the plane of her back,
Like a perfect landscape that doesn't lack.
The garden of her body is blasted by fruit.
Sudden touches dry and scorch the root.
She is moved, but her earthly face
Turns to the moon above for embrace.
Beneath the breath of that lovely moon
Earth opens the gate of her garden's tune.
Misguided spiritual crusades were pursuits that consumed so much of Anna's time. In the presence of others, she remained almost completely alone. All of her, her smile, her pleasant face, her achievement, her ignorance of the environs, with an inhibition that unexpectedly swept in her dread, seemed to arouse her, to show her secret covers, and to remove from her soul the blood and the hollowness.
How did love begin? Was it an alternate smile with sobriety on a face which had been unfamiliar a moment before? Was it when the eyes shone, and captivating perception in the entire body, heart, hands, ambiance, unique smell of the other changed suddenly, or was it breathing or the voice that trembled the other? But the eyes, most decidedly the eyes always presented a great role of magnitude of life in the face!
Momentous time of life, when one determines on a substantial issue are the deeds influenced not in a great deal by unhindered consciousness of what her next step would be but by the inmost inclination which comes from the most profound justification of her essence.
In the quietude of these limitless moments which transformed her morning, noon, and night, Anna felt entirely alone. With a mask on her face, she walked by the stream located on the campus, wondering where all these were originating from. She knew she could not been seen. She was alone with the water that reflected the nature above as never before in her life. She, who had conquered her revulsion of many years, cast down her head close to the water and the water reacted to her. The whisper of the water, the lucidity of the air, and the scent of the falling leaves on wet soil, all blended in an undivided feeling of freedom and potency, her own authority. Trees had grown thin and she smelled autumn from them. The indefatigable, unfeigned birds twittered among dry, naked branches, and ready to migrate. Water gurgled in that man-made stream among the stones. Anna saw herself running in that stream, but only against the current. The stream swayed and murmured silently and moved afar. Everything looked like a painting of an obscure and gloomy place. Neither awareness nor reason ensued.
At night, sometimes she saw the full moon, when it was full, in a primitive shape in the expansive sky. Occasionally she could see a picture, a figure, a face in the moon; but most other times there was nothing else but her and the nature.
The preparation for the wedding was agonizing and Anna could not understand the chaos. Steve, Stacy, Williams, and her parents from Iran got on her nerves with all their expectations. She wondered why couldn't they marry in a quiet, quint, and small ceremony without all the glory? Why did most other brides want to be the center of universe the day of their wedding and she did not? Arguing constantly with Steve, Stacy, and her parents, finally they all mutually agreed to have a small ceremony with only one bridesmaid, Stacy, and one groom's man, Steve's best friend. After exchanging many harsh words and long battle with her parents, they finally accepted Anna's decision of having neither an Islamic wedding nor a Christian one but marrying by a Judge. It was very difficult to convince her parents to agree with her because she did not believe in Islam. It was her habit to say that she was born of a Muslim parents but she did not believe in any documented religion if someone asked her religion. She ended up to tell her father her true belief, Nature. It was very troublesome for a man like Shahzdeh, who was deeply religious, to realize that among other things, his daughter did not believe Islam and Profit Mohammad.; but as he had come to accept and understand many things about his daughter in past, at last he accepted this one, too.
Stacy could not understand Anna. She felt when her turn comes, she would want a big church wedding with all the glories of being the center of universe on that special day. She thought Anna's parents were rich enough to give her the most extravagant wedding; but as she could not understand many things about Anna, she was not able to comprehend this one either. All she knew that Anna was different in every way than any other girls that she knew.
Nonetheless the upcoming wedding of her brother and her best friend brought Stacy and Charlie closer than ever before. They got engaged on Christmas eve. She was overwhelmed by rapture; and without having a date for her wedding, she was planning everything. She talked non stop to Anna about the list of the guests, flowers, food, and..., and of course Anna was to be her maid of honor.
To Be Continued
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