Anna's graduation from high school was an overwelming event. However she was dried out of exhaustin. At such young age, she felt so old, so worn out, and so tired that even the honarary party for her achievement did not seem rapturous. The seed of fear that her father had planted in her since she was a little girl, aggrandized beyond measure; and even though she knew such men lived up to their words, she was frightened to bring to his father's attention his promise. Her only choice was talking to her mother. But what could a woman like Fatie, who believed in men's superiority and had never said a word to contadict her husband, could do for a daughter like Anna, who did not accept that kind of life?
She was an empty girl who consumed woe and now its effect was fading away and becoming a deep depression. Nonetheless, she talked to her mother only to discover that she did not even know about her husband's promise to her daughter and Aria. Fatie could not understand her daughter; she just could not comprehend why Anna did not want to live a normal life, a life similar to hers. Why did her daughter want life the hard way? To her, school and studying were hard work, everything that made you think was hard work. Instinctively, she loved Anna so much; but her love was more like any mammal love for her off spring. In their conversation, she admitted to her daughter her powerlessness over any decision. That was not something new for Anna. In fact, that was one of the reasons she wanted to live a different life than her mother. She wanted to be in contol, to have power, and to make decision for her life. She wanted to share responsiblities if she ever got married, work, go to school, to stores, shop, and do what ever every normal human being could do. She just did not want to be taken care of.
The hot summer brought a laziness in her soul while she spent her days in her room. Reading, at one point, was the most pleasurable deed, seemed so far away from her poor concentration. She lay on her bed and saw her parents only at dinner time. The three of them became more uncommunicative than ever.
On the other hand, Shahzdeh pondered over a solution to straighten his daughter. He just could not find another man for marrying Anna, for her reputation was ruined by her repeated going against men that her fahter had chosen for her. No family wanted to put their son in that position. He had no choice but to tell his son on the phone that Anna had been graduated from high school. If Anna was so fearful to remind him of his promise, Aria was not. He demanded his father to live up to his promise and asked his father to send Anna's trancript to him so he could enroll her in a college and get her a student visa. Their brawl on the phone was a fierce one. Shahzdeh had to hang up the phone on his son. But Aria did not give up and in one day he called five times and demanded to talk to his sister. His agonizing insistence finally softened Shahzdeh's adament mind and he called Anna to talk to her brother.
When Anna heard her brother's voice after all these times, suddenly a gloomy hope brightened her exhuasted soul. Life returned to her dead spirit; and she rudely closed the door so she could have some privacy with her beloved brother.
"Oh, God, I am so happy to talk to you. I've forgotten how to talk. I just can't live here anymore. Everything in this house is stifling me."
"I know little sis. We must leave him no choice but to send you here. I thought you'll graduate next year. How did you do it?"
"I just did it. I worked very hard. I took more courses and studied days and nights. I just did it." She was overwhelmed talking to her brother.
"Oh, it's so good to hear your voice. Tell me how is your grade. It's important to know."
"I was the best in the class. I passed as honor student."
"Excellent. I want you to send me your transcript and diploma."
"How? They won't let me."
"Anna, listen to me. You can do it. Remember what we talked about. Remember your goals. I know you can do it."
"How about you? I don't know anything about you. Are you about finishing school?"
"Not yet. I am just accepted for a medical school. I got my bachelor degree in chemistry. I got all A, too. I finished it in almost three years. Getting into medical school is very hard, but I did it."
"Oh Aria, that is great. I am so happy for you. You're very smart."
"Not as smart as you are, my little sis. I've just worked very hard to get here."
"Hard work is not enough. You're very smart, too. Tell me about your personal life."
Aria paused for a moment and then said: "Is everyone in the room with you?"
"No, why are you asking?"
"Don't tell anyone what I am about to tell you. I am in love. Rosy and I live together now. She is admitted to Med Scholl, too. We both got scholarship. We want to get married; but we wait until you come and then we have the wedding."
Anna's initial response was shock; but she immediately snapped out of it.
"Oh Aria, that's great. You are the only one in our family that makes sense. I'll be there. I'll be in your wedding." Then something like thunderbolt hit her. "If father finds out, he is not going to send you money anymore. What will you do? You know what happened to Fro!"
"I don't need his money. My school is paid for. I told you that I got a scholarship. I work like everybody else. I don't need our dad's charity. He has a chain on our neck because of his money. We must break the chain to be free of him."
Talking to Aria brough the dead energy back to Anna. When she left the room, she was a new person. She was not a frightened teenager anymore but a strong woman who had her eyes only on one goal, going to America. She went straight to her father's office, where he was sitting in bewilderment. She opened the door without knoking, went inside, and sat on a chair. That reminded Shahzdeh of the time that his son had done the same thing.
"What do you want?"
"I want to go to America. I want you to remember the promise you gave me and Aria. You gave me your word."
Shahzseh looked at her through his glasses. Suddenly he felt old and for the first time Anna noticed his graying hair.
"Let's wait another year." He stammered.
"No, now!" Her voice was harsh.
"What do you want from me? I never have peace with you."
"Me neither dad. I'm not doing anything wrong."
"Why can't you be normal?"
"What is normal to you? Marry a man that you choose for me, live a life like my mother! No, I don't want that and you can't force me to live like that. I want to be in control of my life."
Shahzdeh stayed quiet for a while. She reminded him of himself.
"Listen Anna, you need my help. You can't go to America if I don't help you financially." This was his last attempt to stop her.
"All I want from you to pay for my airplane ticket. When I get there, Aria will help me."
"And if I don't buy you airplane ticket and don't allow you to get out of country since you know better than me that women can not travel without their fathers or husbands permission..."
"I ask Aria to buy me ticket from there and leave you no choice to give me the permission." She had answers for every shahzdeh's maneuver.
When she left her father's office, a natural glow brightened her face. A missing smile was blossoming on her lips.
To Be Continued
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